Meet your Union Officers & Stewards

Carissa Hahn
Carissa Hahn (pictured with CWA National President, Claude Cummings Jr.) is the current President of CWA/WashTech Local 37083. Previously elected as the Executive Vice-President, Carissa spent 7 years supporting membership as EVP before being appointed President in May of 2024.
Carissa has held many roles within the Local and across CWA District 7 in her 11 years as a CWA member, and she is currently the Legislative and Political Coordinator for Washington State as well as the District 7 Lead for Next Generation, CWA’s young worker program.
As a rank-and-file member of CWA, Carissa works under the AT&T Mobility Orange Contract where she has been involved in stewardship, organizing, and contract mobilization for more than a decade.

Romeo Diaz
Executive Vice president
Currently serving CWA/ Washtech as the EVP officer. Romeo is a U.S. Air Force military Veteran that has spent the last 10 years in the mobile industry, whether working directly for competing carrier or as the LG Mobile Market Manager.
Starting his AT&T career on Halloween of 2022, he will complete his 2 year tenure with the company. Soon after joining AT&T he found opportunity to get involved with the Local as a Union Steward, supporting and defending the rights of his fellow co-workers and UNion Members!
In June 2024, with Union leadership change there was an opportunity to serve fellow Union Members as the EVP.
Krystal Rivas
Currently serving CWA/WashTech as our Treasurer. Krystal honed her analytical skills in the hospitality industry as an auditor at Marriott International, where she oversaw financial operations and ensured accuracy in reporting.
Also starting her AT&T career on Halloween of 2022, she will be completing her second year within the company. At first dipping her Union Activist toe by helping with the monthly newsletter, Krystal now serves on of the most important roles as our Treasurer, ensuring that WashTech has the funds to support initiatives and our fellow co-workers!
Union Steward